Thursday, 29 October 2009

Exploding Box - Oriental

I made this box purely for pleasure. I was itching to use some new autumnal card stock Mum had brought me on one of her visits to London.
I'm really proud of myself because I didn't use any glitter at all - Boy was that tough!


The panels are inked with VersaColor - 'Burgundy' then edged with Encore - 'Ultimate Metallic Gold' and embossed with clear embossing powder to give an aged feel.

The stamps I used were Habico Clear 'Chinese Symbols' and EJ 'Butterflies and words'

From the Habico set I stamped the Wisteria in Encore - gold, embossed with 'Mirror Gold' and the chrysanthemums in burgundy then clear embossed.

The flowers are two large daisy punch-outs and the centres are made the same way as in my 'Young Love' flower tutorial.

I highlighted the panel corners, flower centres and the butterflies with liquid pearls 'Golden Gold'. LOVE that stuff but the fine nozzle does tend to block very quickly!

I haven't been making many boxes recently because Mum and I have been busy planning a blog for general paper crafts and cards ranging from basics to advanced things such as three dimensional pop-ups. We'll be posting tutorials, ideas and free downloads/templates. It covers all the other things I'm passionate about as well as boxes.

We've only just added our first post but have lots more to come so hope you have the time to give it a visit. Here's the link: crafticious.

Thank you for taking the time to visit and for being so patient with me - I'll be back soon!


  1. Oh my, Elaine. I have been missing you my friend!! This is one stunning little box you've made here. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Love those colors and off course the butterflies ;D You know I love butterflies. Looking forward to that new Blog... I wish you and your Mum much success!!! Big {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Sabrina :D

  2. Another really stunning box, Elaine! You are so so clever! I am off to check out Crafticious and no doubt become a follower, cos it sounds great!

  3. How absolutely beautiful. The autumn colours are gorgeous. Just popping over to your new blog, which sounds very interesting....

  4. Hi Elaine,
    I'm always looking forward to read from you.
    Your boxes are soooo gorgeous.

    And I want to wish you good luck for your new blog. It sounds really interesting. I will have to check it out right now. *wink*

  5. Zapraszam do mnie po wyróżnienie

  6. Wow, so beautful, you are soo talent! Love your exploding boxes :o)
    Hugs from

  7. Stunning! I so love to see what you make and am excited about your additional blog!!!

  8. Just discovered your blog and boxes, they are stunning.

    Do you give instructions or do classes??

    Jane x

  9. Stunning is definitely the word of choice for this one! And, you certainly didn't need any glitter to make this one so spectacular! The colors are awesome and I'm just drooling at the sight of all your lovelies here!

  10. I was so excited to see you had left me a comment on my blog and had to come right over to see what you've done! OMG is this stunning. I have to say I think this is one of your finest yet. I'm so glad to see you back. I have certainly missed you and your gorgeous boxes! Best, Curt

  11. I think your boxes are so beautiful and inspiring, that I mention your blog and website to lots of craft groups and formums that I'm a member of. Everyone says your boxes are stunning! Oh and PS - Love the colors on this one and the tropical.

  12. if you ever come to southern california let me know. I want a personal lesson.

  13. I've tried out another one here! Thanks again for the wondeful inspiration!

  14. Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful!
    I absolutely love the colors on this one.
    Awesome work!

  15. Hello,
    your blog is great!
    The box is beautiful..
    Fantastic work!

  16. Oh my goodness, Elaine...this box is absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful colors. I love it!

  17. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous . . . . absolutely stunning Elaine! I love these bright, right, elegant colors . . . the gold adds a polishing touch!


Thank you for leaving a comment I really appreciate you taking the time!
Elaine X